Roland-designs , Virginie's blog.

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, 3 July 2014

New kitty, and garden news

   I always dreamed of having a Victorian, or prairie style ' kitchen garden', with a separate entrance to the kitchen, and of course an herb garden with a lot of lavender.

    Straw hats, pinafores, hedgehogs, troublesome rabbits, and a deer or two who visit in the early dawn. A root cellar for the potatoes, carrots and cabbages, a pantry whose shelves are filled with neatly labelled home canned, and preserved goods.... but this must remains at present just  a little daydream, as I have to make do with the garden I do have in the residential area we live in.

    My 6 strawberry plants I bought some years ago have multiplied, and even though I gave some baby plants away, I had to expend and use my other box for the strawberries and make a new box for the salads, and pumpkins I had hitherto planted in flower pots.

    Alain and Rosy helped me, and with some old planks I had under the porch we made a new veg. box. Now I have a place for salads, the pumpkins, some thyme, and  flowers I had no place to put anywhere else.

Alain helping to make the new plant bed

Rosaline with my little 'kitchen garden'.... well, mostly strawberries and salads.

After three summers, finally my peonies have bloomed.

Sage in bloom

Thyme in bloom


  Then, as if I never have enough to do I sort of got myself into a little bit of cute trouble by adopting a new kitty.

    So, meet Moumousse our new little friend. If only the old cats, and the dog would warm up to him a little more. The cats have chosen to ignore us and the new kitten, while the dog is too curious and makes the kitty nervous- she did get a little swat from kitty when her doggy nose got a little too close.....

Moumousse at 8 weeks
    On the other hand, here is where I found my husky- sleeping on Emilie's bed, and cuddling with the giraffe.

What a spoiled dog !

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