Roland-designs , Virginie's blog.

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday 1 October 2017

Ramona cardigan by Elizabeth Smith. Part 2

A little sweater progression update.

So now I am well on the way, and haven’t made any serious mistakes since the miscounts at the beginning. I did forget to knit instead of purl at one point on the false hem, but that was easily fixed by going back and removing the couple stitches involved, then fixing the mistake with the aid of an hair pin – I know, you should use a crochet hook. But once again it happened while watching the TV, and I did not want to get up and get a crochet so my always handy hair pin was put to good use. It’s amazing how useful those little pins are, made of metal and easy to bend I’ve used them for so many things… maybe they should be added to the swiss knives. 

The pattern has a small decrease/increase along the waist, but I wonder it is really necessary ? Maybe  knitting it straight wouldn’t  be too bad ? I also wonder about the false hem, I’ve seen other bloggers who said they had knitted this sweater without the false hem and thought it was much nicer that way ? Anyways, I’ll follow the pattern as stated, but it is such an easy and pleasant knitting project that I might do it again. Thought a next time around I would probably skip the false hem, and the increase/decrease and instead add a little fair isle style strip into it for contrast ? Or pockets ?

Ramona cardigan. Here you can see the lovely top-down raglan construction lines

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